Why do people in so many countries call Alpacas, "The world's finest livestock investment?" For any investment to be valuable, it must possess certain qualities which make it desirable. Gold is scarce, real estate provides shelter, oil produces energy, bonds earn interest, stocks are supposed to increase in value and diamonds symbolize love. Alpacas share many of these investment attributes.
Around the world, Alpacas are in strong demand, and people pay high prices for them. They are scarce, unique, and the textiles produced from their fiber are known in the fashion centers of Paris, Milan and Tokyo. There are excellent profit opportunities and tax advantages to Alpaca breeders and investors. Historically, the Alpaca's value has sustained ancient cultures, such as the Incas of Peru, and today Alpacas are the sustaining economic force for millions of South Americans. History has validated the value of the Alpaca.
Today, wealth as a result of livestock ownership is not as common, but tending to a graceful herd of Alpacas can also be an exciting way to earn a substantial cash flow and live a rewarding lifestyle.
Since 1984 Alpacas have appeared, almost simultaneously, in several countries where they had never been seen before. The U.S., Canada, New Zealand, France, Australia and England have all acquired the foundation animals for national herds. What makes this animal so desirable? Bottom line: Alpacas are both profitable and enjoyable.
Life insurance is available for alpacas! This means your investment in alpacas can be insured for a reasonable yearly premium. Insurance is available from several insurance underwriters. You will need to call them to get exact rates on the insured value of the alpaca as a yearly premium. For alpacas which were less than 90 days old, higher rates took effect. Significantly lower rates are often available for larger herd sizes. Check with your selected insurance provider for current rate information.
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